Nocturne no. 3 (piano solo, 2024)
Six Lunatelles (piano solo, 2024)
Sinfonia for piano (piano solo, 2023)
Prelude no. 2 for piano (piano solo, 2023)
Avgrunn/Abyss (violin, cello & piano, trio 2022)
Kom bli med (arrangement for Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra & Knuden Kristiansand kulturskole)
Einar's tema (violin, organ & piano, 2021)
Fall (violin & viola, 2020)
Nidelvens bredder/Riverbanks of Nidelven (alto saxophone, string orchestra & harp, 2019)
Resepsjonisten/The Receptionist (film score for Hergel Film, 2019)
Music Library project (production of DAW tracks for Sørnorsk filmsenter, 2018)
Besessenheit (piano solo, 2017)
Pingvinene/Penguins (musical theater scored for flute, clarinet & bassoon, 2015)
På sort lerret/On Black Canvas (flute, clarinet & piano, trio 2015)
Sympho Noir (film score for Hergel Film & Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra, 2015)
Forestillinger om frihet (film score for Mari Storstein, 2015)
Tema & fantasi/Theme & Fantasy (for flute, clarinet, alto sax, violin & piano, quintet 2014)
Mur av taushet (film score for Lars Erik Eliassen, 2014)
Vignett til Amandus festivalen (intro-music for Amandus film festival, 2014)
Innspilling av verker komponert på HiL med KORK (recordings of student works with Norwegian Broadcasting Orchestra, 2014)
Fotspor: teater for livet (film score for Elisabeth Lindland, 2014)
Ponytales (film score for Siri Bråtveit, 2013)
Suite for alto saxophone & piano (2013)
Anne & Alet (film score for Hergel Film, 2013)
Drømmer/Dreams (piano solo, 2012)
To filmscener/Two Film Scenes (clarinet, violin, cello & piano, 2011)
Den hengte mannen/The hanged man (film score for Hergel Film, 2011)
Ballade for piano (piano solo, 2011)
Six Little Pieces in Aubergine (piano solo, 2011)
Suite from M/S Berntsen (piano solo, 2010)
Prelude no. 1 for piano (piano solo, 2010)
Sonatina (piano solo, 2009)
Bak fasaden (film score for Hergel Film, 2008)
Arkitektene (film score for Viljar Osland, 2008)
Elvedrama (musical theatre for Søgne barne- og ungdomsteater & Søgne musikkorps, 2007, rev. 2008)
Crabbed Age and Youth... (baryton, clarinet & piano 2007)
To nokturner/Two Nocturnes (2006/2007)
Photo/Avatar: Klara Turid Frettun, from Beethoven piano concerto no. 3 with Agder Symphony Orchestra, January 2018